Media Contact:
Demarcus Johnson
NBMBAA Austin Chapter
The NBMBAA – Austin Chapter Celebrates 10 Years of Progressive Austin Community Impact with its VIS10N Gala – June 16
VIS10N Gala Benefits its Leaders of Tomorrow’s Scholarship, Mentoring and College Readiness Program
AUSTIN, Texas – April 21, 2016 – VIS10N is the theme of the National Black MBA (NBMBAA) Austin Chapter Black-Tie Fundraising Gala celebrating 10 years of providing charitable, educational and professional development deeds for the Austin community. At 7 PM on Thursday, June 16 at Austin’s One World Theater, the Chapter will honor the trailblazers and organizations contributing to its mission and Austin’s educational and economic growth for African-American students and professionals.
The Chapter is also excited to announce its VIS10N Keynote speaker, Mr. Mel Parker, a recognized multi-industry inspirational leader known for his ability to turnaround, transform and upgrade businesses while generating optimum value for shareholders, customers and employees.
In addition, several guests and organizations who have supported the Chapter since its inception 10 years ago, will be recognized and honored including: Mr. Robert F. Smith, Chairman and CEO of Vista Equity Partners; Ms. Marilyn Johnson, Special Adviser/Former CEO of the International Women’s Forum; Mr. Deone Wilhite, Executive Assistant for Precinct 1 Travis County Commissioner Ron Davis; Leaders of Tomorrow; Farm Credit Bank of Texas; Seton Family of Hospitals; Dell; and, more.
Funds from VIS10N will continue to advance the mission of the NBMBAA – Austin Chapter and provide scholarships for students that are in The Chapters Leaders of Tomorrow program that has been serving and having profound impact on high school students here in Austin. With unyielding commitment, The Chapter raises the bar with mentorship programs, open the doors of opportunity for students annually and provides scholarships while building a diverse pipeline of leaders.
Donations and/or tickets for VIS10N is available at: vis10naustin.org. #VIS10NGala